internet ARG catalogue

hey! my name's hal and i'm really into youtube or otherwise web-based horror/suspense and ARGs! this is a links page leading to all the stuff i've seen (in alphabetical order) in case you like that kind of thing too :D

several of these series have either ended or are on hiatus. the designation of "present" refers to channels that have not explicitly ended and have uploaded content within the last six months.

check out stuff for the slender mythos

  • here!
  • warning for: severe video/audio distortion, flashing lights, possibly disturbing or violent imagery/audio, and/or jump scares

    hello! have fun on my page!

    channels or multimedia

    single videos (legitimacy unknown)

    films, animations, advertising stunts, and performance art

    real-world freaky events

    blog sites or other web content (legitimacy unknown)